Defence Expo 2012. Naval systems
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Here are some pictures of some naval systems developed by L&T , some DRDO labs and 2 ships from French DCNS. I wonder why Indian naval laboratories don’t get as…
Tarmak007 — A bold blog on Indian defence: Here comes Prahaar! It took less than 2 years to d…
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Tarmak007 — A bold blog on Indian defence: Here comes Prahaar! It took less than 2 years to d…: “Photos of Prahaar launch from LC-III, ITR. (Official Press Release) DRDO…
Tarmak007 — A bold blog on Indian defence: DRDO hopes to impress Army with Prahaar punch; dem…
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Tarmak007 — A bold blog on Indian defence: DRDO hopes to impress Army with Prahaar punch; dem…: “if one were go by what insiders tell Tarmak007 then Prahaar is an…
Indian Weapon System E-Book
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I’ve compiled data about Indian weapons displayed in various info-boards and brochures from Def Expo 2010 in a single file. Except for missiles and INSAS, I’ve tried to include every…