Pakistanis top in searching for gay and animal porn

I noticed this “thing” sometime ago while exploring various features of google. A few days ago I came accross a guy on Orkut strongly arguing that homosexuality is unnatural, against islam bla bla. Now Pakistan is one of the biggest Muslim countries. Analysing what Islamic Pakis search for on internet is pretty amazing. Following links […]

The Hindu Fake Liberal

The posts are copied from Bharat Rakshak Forums;=4336 Its a “Consortium of Indian Defence Websites” with respected members from defence, services, journalists among other fields. In this thread they are discussing “The Fake Hindu Liberal”. Please read throught the posts. You’ll probably find them interestingClick on link to read whole discussion 1. Every self goal […]

Unfashionable to be a Hindu

I was born in a Hindu family, but turned atheist a long time ago. First it was disgust with the miseries that all religions cause and then God and his existence became less and less important to me.Media made me believe that Hindus due to their majority status should be more tolerant of minorities, especially […]

Jammu Vs. Kashmir

For some reason, Blogger disrupts any formatting I make in this post.Must be some bug or its incompatible with my browser. Kindly click on this link : for a spreadsheet with proper formatting. Its a Google spreadhsheet.                                   […]

Another TV show from Jammu channel

BAR Jammu President, a leader from AYSS, state BJP leader and a Muslim adovcate participating in a TV talk show. They discuss roles of BJP, lawyers and common people including Muslims in agitation.